Athanasios Anagnostopoulos aka Thanatos

London Living and working between London and Athens, Athanasios Anagnostopoulos aka aA Thanatos, is a visual artist and since 2012 the spiritual force behind aA Projects. aAs generate individual and collaborative research-based art in the form of mixed-media video installations, participatory actions, performances and online waste. The projects engage artistic practice with theoretical research, by means of exploring glitches occurring when the 'personal' short circuits areas of theology, psychoanalysis, philosophy or science. Religious texts, popular culture, corporate aesthetics, political visions, and such notions as subjectivity, ideology, Angst and nothingness constitute the projects’ working material.

Athanasios Anagnostopoulos was born in 1989 in Athens, Greece. He holds an MA in Art & Politics from Goldsmiths University of London and a BA in Fine Arts & Technology from Middlesex University. Since 2012, he has exhibited in UK, Greece, Ireland and Portugal.

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