I am Paul  Fletcher, also known as;
"Ed Mundio" used for music profile (based on my middle name Edmund),
"Owlbert" based on a character I created in "Hidden Creatures" (2008-2016), 
"Simply Edible Gardens"(1990-200) ,organic, permaculture, landscaping.
 "Digital Compost"  my Vimeo archive of several 100 video works that often  build dense (!) or complex interactions of simple layers of image and sound to create a form of digital video compost, abstract narrative or visual music. I value organic mess, method and making in forms such as soundscape, music, animated image, films, installations,  timber Jewellery "Messages from Trees" and all my current making /objects as gifts or questions to ponder!   I have a fascination with nature, technology, visual and sonic artwork. I nurture these interests into animated films, soundscapes, multimedia exhibited locally and internationally. My study has included Horticulture(Burnley VCAH), Permaculture(CERES), Media Arts(RMIT) Research Masters-Visual Music (UOM). I am currently an Honorary Fellow at the University of Melbourne after twenty years of co-coordinating, teaching and researching in the BFA Animation Degree, (1998-2021),VCA School of Film & Television Faculty of Fine Arts and Music, UOM. I am an enthusiastic creative who loves synthesizing seemingly disparate fields of research and ideas using sound, music, animation, video, nature and everyday objects. I aim to create artworks for audiences that can provoke m

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