Helena Lukasova is born in Brno, Czech Republic. Currently she is teaching at the Faculty of Informatics Masaryk University Brno where she is the head of The Studio of Graphic Design and Multimedia. Helena Lukasova holds a Ph.D. from the Academy of Fine Art and Design, Bratislava 2005 – 2009. The focus of her studies was on digital sculpture. She holds a Master ‘ s degree in sculpture, from the Academy of Fine Art and Design, Bratislava, SK, 1990 – 96 . She also studied and worked at the Johnson Atelier - Technical Institute of Sculpture, N.J., where she witnessed the power of digital fabrication first hand an experience that defined her further direction. She treats the resulting sculptural forms as living objects in their own right. This approach to sculpture, derived from such unexpected sources, fundamentally changes our understanding of a traditional form. She exhibited her work in numerous exhibitions.

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