Adham Faramawy is an artist based in London. His work spans media including moving image, sculptural installation and print, engaging and using technology to discuss issues of embodiment and identity construction.

Recent group exhibitions include The Green Ray, Wilkinson Gallery, London; E-Vapor- 8, Site Gallery, Sheffield; London Open, Whitechapel Gallery, London; I’m here but you’ve gone, Fiorucci Art Trust, London; Silica, Galerie Sultana, Paris; Half Abstract, David Roberts Art Foundation, London; and Post Pop to Post Human: Collage in the digital age, Hayward Touring, various locations. Solo exhibitions include: Hydra, Cell Projects, London; Feels Real, Marian Cramer Projects, Amsterdam, and Hyperreal Flower Blossom, VITRINE, London.

Faramawy’s video works have been included in screening events such as Flatness, Oberhausen Film Festival, Syndrome of a Decade, Ikono Film Festival, Diamond Dust- A shifting grammar of originality, Circa Projects, Edinburgh Arts Festival and 21st Century Pop, ICA, London touring to Turner Contemporary, Margate, MK Gallery, Milton Keynes, Cornerhouse, Manchester and Tramway, Glasgow.


2017 Virtually Real The Royal Academy of Art, London, GB
2017 Janus Collapse (the juice box edition) Bluecoat, Liverpool, GB
2016 The Green Ray Wilkinson Gallery, London, GB
2016 Inland Far UCA, Canterbury, GB
2015 Fatigue Workout performance, Fig2, ICA, London, GB
2015 .GIF Super Dakota, Brussels, BE
2014 Bloody English OH WOW, Los Angeles, US
2014 Silica Gallery Sultana, Paris, FR
2014 Hydra Cell Projects, London, GB
2014 Pre-Pop to Post-Human Hayward Touring, GB

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