Ulaş Bilenoğlu

Turkey, Izmir
Ulas Bilenoglu (b.1999) is a new media artist making photography based visual arts and improvised musical representations to these abstracts in Izmir, Turkey. He is an undergraduate student in Yasar University, New Media and Communication Department. He has been practicing sound meditation for two years and uses some of the fundamental concepts of this 8000-year-old Tibetan therapy method into his own mediative minimalist improvised music. Beside his 14 years musical background, he just begun to work on his artistic visual abilities in 2020. His process of creation is built on a single photo which taken spontaneously. Ulas, also motivated by intensity of improvisation in his visual works like his music. While Ulas creates a musical representation of a visual work, he also creates another art form that will add dimension to the expression of this visual art and inspire your ears as well as your eyes to meditate into this communication of art. Minimalism, improvisation and intense honesty as representatives of his creative perspective.

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