Najma was born in London and studied a BA HONS at Kingston University, specialising in moving image. She worked as a designer in broadcast television, for a number of years before setting up Four:55 in 2012, creating moving content across a range of media. The themes of transformation and seamlessness have always featured heavily in her work. Yurj was born in Vigevano, Italy before moving to the South. Subsequently he went to Rome to study acting and directing at the School Of Cinema and before moving to London. A talented writer, his first book My life On A Cactus was published in 2008 - containing his award winning theatre monologue I Will Not Go Down From Here (about self harm and death). His point of view as a visual artist emerges from his personal perception of reality (i.e Perpetuation and vastness with a contamination of technology). Together, Najma and Yurj are primarily known for their holographic and projected pieces. Over the years they have worked commercially and internationally with brands including Massimo Dutti, No7, Annabel’s Club and Louboutin... The two, explore pieces where art and technology unite. Their work encompasses themes of life, death, time, and the realms of reality combined with etherealness. Capturing a moment in time for posterity – and to be able to repeat it so that each time you discover something new, holds a fascination for the duo.

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