Mauricio was born in Uruguay in 1980. He lives now in the Netherlands. Starting his academic studies in architecture, he soon shifted his attention to engineering, due to his increasing interest in mathematics and physics. Mauricio completed his degree in Electrical Engineering and followed studies in Computer Sciences, specialising in signal processing. Mauricio's career shifted many times through different fields, ranging from telecommunications, micro-electronics, industrial automation, sound engineering, software development and others. He also passed through a few years as an electrical engineering and acoustics professor at the university in Montevideo. Through all these career choices, some constants remained: He was always considered a maker, impulsive and curious, thinking out of the box, constantly driven by an attraction to the technology and its potential. He explored music as a performer and as a technician and studied photography (back in the analog era) and now, Mauricio is writing a new chapter, leaving a space to explore the digital arts. His experiments range from robotics to sounds. He's researching innovative ways of applying engineering concepts to the visual arts and sound installations. His work makes use of data from connected sensors, internet feeds, literature, and equations. ===============================

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