British twins Jane and Louise Wilson (b. 1967) explore sites of concentrated power - from Caesar's Palace, Las Vegas to the abandoned Stasi headquarters in East Berlin, from Chernobyl to the location of a Mossad assassination in a hotel room in Dubai.

Part of the YBA generation, the sisters began working together in the early 1990s producing photography and video installations, of which the latter are often shown on multi-screens. In 1999, they were nominated for the Turner Prize for their exhibition Gamma at the Lisson Gallery, London.


2013 Jane & Louise Wilson Gallery 303, New York, US
2013 Unfolding the Aryan Papers LAMCA, Los Angeles, US
2013 The Toxic Camera The Whitworth Art Gallery, Manchester, UK
2013 Spiteful of Dream Quad Gallery, Derby, U.K
2012 Jane & Louise Wilson Dundee Contemporary Arts, Dundee, UK
2011 Tempo Suspenso CGAC, Santiago de Compostela, ES
2011 Jane & Louise Wilson John Hansard Gallery, Southampton, UK
2011 Jane & Louise Wilson Galeria Helga de Alvear, Madrid, ES
2010 Suspending Time elga de Alvear, Madrid, ES
2010 Suspending Time Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Lisbon, PT


303 Gallery
Helga de Alvear
Paradise Row

24h Private View Is Live

New collection Kymatics by Samuele De Marchi is available.

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