Ella Lugin was born in Switzerland. She originally learned classical and modern dance in Germany. Perhaps that's why she has been so intensely involved in creating video art since 2020. Because that is the closest she can get to interpreting the movement element of life. Apart from dance, Ella worked as a painter for fifteen years, with many exhibitions in Switzerland and Germany, until 2000, when she switched to digital photography. With the great possibilities of today's software for film editing, Ella Lugin has created her very unique style. She films the source material herself and edits with various softwares. All creative processes come from her life story and the inspirations that reach her like the air she breathes. Through years of working as a dancer, she learned the pursuit of perfection, which, as we all know, is an utopia, but you can still come close to it from time to time. In 2020, her new artistic chapter began with video art. EXHIBITIONS 2021 ArtBox Gallery, Zurich (Video Art) 2021 UTV Australia (Video Art) 2005 Galerie Helmer, Schaffhauserstrasse, Zurich (Botanic Photography) (gallery no longer exists) 2000 Galerie Wehrli Zurich, Switzerland (Painting) 1999 Galleria AAA Ascona, Switzerland (Painting) Since 1997 permanent exhibition at Muffathalle Munich 1995 HOZO Factory, Munich, Germany (Painting)

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