Marcel Schwittlick is a Berlin based artist, whose main medium is code. He's
doing his artistic work in the field of computational aestethics, questioning the
distinction between reality and and 'digitality'. He likes experimenting with a lot
of different media, while most of his work focuses either on objects or visual
experiences, which are both trying to leave the context in which they are
created. He’s exploring space in general with most of his work, becoming
interested in 3D printing technologies and developing installations which focus
on the kind of movement they do in their limited space of the generative
system. He’s concentrating on concepts that are only possible to realize within a
generative software system- this is the most interesting form of art. Moreover it
is very important to him that his work can be only visually perceived without
understanding the underlying complexity of the system. This means that it’s at
the same time simply visually appealing and entertaining and can draw your
mind away from the moment and take you to the inner world of your mind and
imagination. He’s making pieces for which time does not matter. Thats’s why
he’s often using rather space and still images. When he’s making animations
they are always under the aspect of timelessness. They run endlessly and have
no start and end. As if they really live, you just see it when its turned on.