Irene Shamma is an architect, designer and artist based in London.She passionately draws with both hands simultaneously producing large scale ink and pen artworks. She starts and completes her artworks always in one go, a process often lasting more than 12 hours that triggers a meditative left-right brain shift. Her drawings reflect themes from her life and express her fascination with complex patterns in nature that emerge through simple rules of repetition. Blog WebsiteAs an architect she developed interior designs for the Victoria and Albert museum extension in London, the detailed façade design for the innovative Central Embassy in Bangkok, and completed several product and furniture pieces (AL_A). She has designed and completed installations for well-known artists such as Universal Everything and Mira Calix (‘Universal Everything & You’, Science museum of London, 'Inside there Falls' , Sydney music festival) and offered freelance design services to highly established event production companies. She is now completing the works of her first collection of both hands drawings and funding her first solo exhibition.

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