Digital Art
For Your
Guest Rooms

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Digital art for hotels

Brighten up guest rooms with artworks

Curate stunning collections to capture the imagination of your guests.

Digital art for offices, meeting rooms and lobbies

Beautify any public space or event

Make hours feel like minutes with a captivating artwork display.

Digital art for lounges and clubs

Create an exclusive atmosphere

Give your audience an exquisite visual experience they won’t forget.

Bring art to your business.

Tell us about your venue and your vision, and our world-class curation team will curate a selection of artworks catered for your business.

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Trusted by leading brands

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, you can.

However the prices listed on the site are for private collectors only - for public usage you will require a PDL - a public display licence. We’d be delighted to help you in setting up your display - contact us here!

Learn about public art displays with Sedition with our Director Rory Blain here:

No, unless you have arranged a PDL (Public Display Licence) through us, then buying an edition of an artwork from Sedition’s website does not give you public display rights.

Public displays are always a bespoke arrangement between Sedition, the display partner and the artist, and are subject to different pricing than shown on the website.

No, subscribing to Art Stream does not give you public display rights.

Public displays are always a bespoke arrangement and are subject to different pricing.

It is currently not possible to licence Art Stream for a public display usage, however, we intend to launch a corporate version of Art Stream that will include the licences for display in the yearly or monthly fee. More announcements coming soon.

A public display licence is a document granting permissions and display rights and outlining the terms of the agreement - such as fee, duration, location and content of artists and works. PDLs are issued to display an artwork from Sedition in a public space or an exhibition.

Any public display of an artwork requires a licence from Sedition, which gives you the rights to present the work and provides protection for the use of the work.

Public Display Licences are subject to a fee that is negotiated on a case by case basis for each client in collaboration with the selected artists.

The fees vary widely depending upon a range of criteria.

Costs vary depending on the profile of the artist, the number of artworks, the location and method of display (whether the display is semi-public - such as a hotel room or an office lobby, or fully public - such as a screen facing the street or an artwork digitally mapped over a building) the audience, publicity and use of the work.

Licences are given for a set duration of time, displays can be completely bespoke and crafted for any duration and/or viewing requirements.

Museums and nonprofits receive preferential pricing.

For more information visit our Help Centre