German artist Tim Berresheim (b.1975) combines traditional media like photography, painting and collage with digital technology in order to explore, critique and illustrate the contemporary relationship between art and technology. His work expands upon previous limitations of traditional media to coerce two-dimensional planes into what the artist describes as “visual sculptures”. His abstracted line work and tangled compositions evoke likeness with expressive brushstrokes, and yet, they reveal themselves as precise three-dimensional digital renderings. Berresheim takes these juxtapositions a step further by printing his images by inkjet onto wood and therewith combining the technologically astute digital quality of his work with an organic and traditional printing surface.

Berresheim has exhibited internationally including Traenen&Taeuschen - too long; didn’t read SOS, Galerie Thomas Flor, Berlin, 2012; Future Gipsy Antifolklore What?!, Marc Jancou Contemporary, New York, 2012; Phoenix - The Guilty Pleasure, Patrick Painter Inc., Santa Monica, 2010; Out from Here and Now; Galerie Hammelehle and Ahrens, Cologne, 2010; and EXERCISE (ALARM), Stefan Schuelke Fine Books, Cologne, 2010.

Tim Berresheim lives and works in Aachen, Germany.

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