Time is just a memory

Time is just a memory is Dagmar Schürrer's collection that is made up three animations which originated as a reaction to the work of polish artist Janina Węgrzynowska (1930–2010). In her artistic oeuvre she has examined the visualization of motion and time in her abstract paintings and Op Art objects since the 1960s, and later also in her experiments with structuralist animations and laser installations. Though based in Warsaw throughout her life, her artistic practice was largely unregarded in the writing of her city's art history, as this happened with many female artists around the globe.

Time is just a memory takes up on the multilayered Op Art objects of Janina Węgrzynowska - wooden boxes with layered, transparent glass panels painted with abstract shapes, creating an oscillating and spatial effect of patterns in motion. In Dagmar Schürrer’s work this set up is transferred to computer generated animations. Glossy digital cubes are filled with vivid and multicolored abstract 3D shapes, animated in infinite loops of uniform motion, hinting on the repetitive geometric forms often used in Op Art to visualize spatiality, motion and tension.

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