
Boom! is a thought-provoking collection comprised of four one-minute clips: Boom! Street, Boom! Cars, Boom! Planes, and Boom! Houses. Inspired by the vibrant spectacle of the 2024 Olympics opening ceremonies in Paris, this project juxtaposes these celebratory moments with the grim realities of war in Gaza and Ukraine.

Each clip features explosive, multicolored visuals that challenge viewers to confront the unsettling truth of how war has become a form of entertainment in our modern lives. Accompanying the striking imagery is a melancholy classical piano score, evoking a sense of manipulation that often goes unnoticed—highlighting how our perceptions and emotions are shaped by external influences.

At the heart of !boom lies the exploration of the delicate balance between visual beauty and the emotional weight of the horrors depicted. The images, generated in Midjourney and animated in Runway, are further enhanced by AI-generated soundtracks from Udio, creating an immersive experience that compels reflection on the complexities of our reality.

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