Motion 6

This artwork is from the “Existence in Motion” series. View other artworks

Existence in Motion by Wisse Scheele is a collection of 37 distinct works, presented as unique iterations. This collection intricately weaves the essence of its predecessors from Symmetry in Existence, offering a different format of the seamless blend of physical and digital realms. Through these works, Scheele deepens his exploration of movement, creating a dialogue that spans across the spectrums of reality and virtuality.

In Scheele's Existence in Motion, the audience is privy to an array of motions, as the collection navigates between the unadulterated beauty of pure dance, the complex interplay of physicality and digital artistry, and the hybrid forms that emerge from this confluence. This series pushes the conventional boundaries of performance art, offering an immersive experience where the digital and physical not only coexist but thrive in symbiosis.

Existence in Motion stands as a dynamic exploration of the myriad ways in which dance and technology can intersect, enriching the dialog between the viewer and the evolving landscape of contemporary art. The collection encapsulates the essence of motion in all its forms, affirming Scheele's visionary approach to dance and technology, and stands as a testament to Scheele's dual mastery as a Dutch dancer and digital innovator.

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