Befogged/After Kwaidan

Another Odysseus, whose writing was shaped by living in the different parts of the world interlaced with local cultures - from Greece and Ireland to the USA and Japan - Lafcadio Hearn aka Koizumi Yakumo to whose life and work the exhibition curated by a Greek artist and curator Maria Papatzelou was dedicated.

I found the theme of magical transformation in Hearn’s translations of Old Japanese folktales especially intriguing. Space and time as a vessel of the uncanny and supernatural occurring in the everyday life - the exotic worlds to which art holds an exclusive key - was the subject of my work Befogged/After Kwaidan.

Bukhara, where the initial footage was shot, has no factual relation to Hearn’s life and travel, but it serves as a backdrop of unusual occurrences and transformations reminiscent of the sense of the uncanny in Hearn’s Kwaidan stories.

This work was shown at the Thessaloniki Art Week in 2018. The digital print was shown at the Kobe Municipal Art Centre. Digital print version of this work received Mayor of Kobe Prize in August 2019.

6:00 minutes.

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