Turn Me On - Art that Activates Desire

Activate Desire
Embrace Your Divine Feminine Energy

Step into the essence of YOU with "Turn Me On," a celebration of Divine feminine energy that empowers you to BE more by tuning into your inherent magic. This Art Activation illuminates the Path of the Rose, symbolising a journey to self-discovery and awakening by tapping into the sacral space where all creations are birthed. With hues of healing blue that encourage expression of your truth through the throat chakra and high-frequency gold, it invites you to embrace the flow of your knowing and the nurturing power of your wisdom.

"Turn me on, she whispers with grace,
You desire to embrace life with more passion and pace.
Igniting the senses, blue arousing your soul,
The golden light of abundance, activates your true role.

Let this path of the rose be your map and guide,
Open to desires and your power deep inside.
With every breath, feel your petals unfold into bloom,
You are divine feminine energy, find your space… take up room.

Elevate your energy, let the vibrations play,
Manifest your longings in the most sacred way.
Infuse creativity with juiciness from within,
'Turn Me On' she sighs, activate the magic of the feminine."

This artwork is not just about DOing more; it's about BEing more deeply connected with your true desires. "Turn Me On" invites you to utilise the magnetic power of your desire to align, attract and manifest your wants into reality, embodying the essence and magic of the divine feminine.


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