Boundaries Up, Barriers Down - Art that Activates Boundaries

Activate Boundaries
Create Space to Be You

"Boundaries Up, Barriers Down" empowers you to establish boundaries that protect without restricting, allowing you to lower the barriers that limit your expression and expansion. This Art Activation illustrates how defining clear boundaries enhances your sense of safety, making it possible to fully embrace and express your authentic self.

"You are the wild ocean, deep, authentic, and true,
With hues of blue and black, endless in you.
Gold bursts of inspiration, a dance so bold,
Boundaries up, barriers down, allows all of you to unfold.

No limits, no constraints, let your spirit fly,
In this canvas of your life, reach for the sky.
You are the movement, the expansion, the sea,
Making space for all of you, finding me in the we.

So hear this, beautiful soul, as the colours speak,
Activate your energy, you’re strong and unique.
With boundaries up, barriers down, you’ll see,
You are the masterpiece and you are the key."

"Boundaries Up, Barriers Down", invites you to fully inhabit your own space, emphasising that you are not just in your space—you are your space. This artwork empowers you to define your personal limits clearly while encouraging an openness to life's limitless possibilities. Celebrate the power of personal boundaries and enjoy the freedom they bring to every aspect of your existence.


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