In his new series Entangled: The Human Gaze in an Age of Quantum Entanglement, Terry Flaxton pays homage to the the Analogue, Digital and the forthcoming Quantum Eras. The new series consists of seven artworks and an eighth special edition artwork, each discrete and complete yet, as a whole presenting a developing set of interconnected ideas concerning the rapidity of thinking, attention and cognition as human comprehension speeds up. The first part of the collection is made up of four works which represents a manifesto of the function of the human gaze during the end part of the analogue and the incremental move to the fully super-computed block-chain-mined digital.
Occipital Occlusions is what it says, the hand is quicker than the eye, the blindness the magician requires is a part of the construction of the organ of seeing – there has to be a blind spot where the magic can occur.
It is the three-card trick of reality where what is before your eyes can be manipulated to transform into something else. Though you're not sure whether it really happened or not? And if it really did happen, what was it that actually occurred? Whilst within the digital area many miracles happen , but what about nature? Are we to believe that we are now so empowered we can hurtle through space/time at unbelievable speeds – yet when we look behind us, we see that our new tools have enabled us to ruin our own habitat. Is this God or the Devil’s work? - Terry Flaxton