Stanley Casselman's Evolution One Emma shows a film-extract of a light installation piece of the same title and is an acrylic paint-on-gel-medium work set into motion. The artist works with polyester fabrics, particularly Saatilene monofilament screens, which diffuse light, allow liquid to pass through, and are incredibly strong. Paint is layered into the screen opposed to on top of it, which creates the outstandingly colour-rich and yet completely flat effect.
With Evolution One Emma, the artist seems to pay homage to Mark Rothko. However, Casselman’s painting ‘lives’: it transforms and surprises again and again, as if a Rothko painting has come to life. Simultaneously, Evolution One Emma is of a calming serenity and quiet beauty that mesmerizes; it slows down time, and it amplifies space by revealing the tranquility trapped within the subtle change of coloured streams of light.
Casselman lives and works in New York.