The Beginning (Winged Lion of Mosul)

The Beginning (Winged Lion of Mosul) is part of Mosul, a collection of five works by Pierre Chaumont.

The collection uses the 3D archive as a tool to reveal and challenge the link between art, creation of knowledge and dominant power in the digital era. Consisting of digital prints, videos and sculptures, this project aims at broadening the vision of History and Archiving.

The attacks on the Mosul Museum in February 2015 sparked a vast initiative to digitize and preserve important works and monuments. By creating a 3D archive of these original works and making them available to everyone on the internet, a fundamental shift operated which is reshaping our relation towards Art and how we experience it. Through this digital translation, we are stripping away the market value and the aura of each and every original piece to, instead, emphasize cultural value.


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