is a reinterpretation of Martha Rosler’s seminal 1975 video work Semiotics Of The Kitchen, in the digital age. Then as now, the artist, Oihane Iragüen, reflects on the role the kitchen plays in shaping the behaviours and lives of women. The symbolic terminology of the kitchen as hypothesised by Rosler, transforms the woman into a sign of the system of food production and harnessed subjectivity. "When the woman speaks, she names her own oppression." In, the woman is transformed into a sign of the system of new media production. In the version of the work by Iragüen, the performer cites tasks normally performed on the computer, such as “download”, “upload”, and “move to desktop”, but interpreted using actions and gestures of the kitchen. The video work was produced by Irati Urrestarazu, performed by Alba Basurto, and directed by Oihane Iragüen.

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