Waving Mountains (Thin)

Made up of three computer-generated simulations, in his new series Waving Mountains Tozzi explores the representation of gravity, balance, and materiality in virtual space. At first glance, the stone figures remind the viewer of cairns, used to mark a path in the real world, but here they seem to have lost their way, acting only as a landmark for the observer's gaze. Upon closer inspection, the individual stones are not logically stacked on top of each other, but still perch on their edges as if defying gravity. They seem to counterbalance their movements, which adds to the sense of tension and anticipation that permeates each rocky composition. The colour and texture of the stones vary with one stone glossy and polished, whilst its partners are rough and textured. Together, this creates a kind of visual imbalance that causes the viewer's eye to roam across the structure as we try to make sense of the tension between one stone and another.


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