Fly Us To The Moons is a digitally animated work by LIA with accompanying sound by Damian Stewart. A swarm of forms, reminiscent of alien spaceships or mechanical bats, are suspended in space. Their sweeping movements create layered patterns of smooth curves, jagged edges and digital noise. These ambiguous beings are alive and not alive. It is unclear whether they move of their own accord or are propelled and pushed by forces larger than them, invisible in space apart from the visible changes they produce in the moving forms.
The visuals are generated using code written by LIA using the open source software openFrameworks. In a move away from LIA’s past works, the forms in Fly Us To The Moons is produced using a gradient colour system. This new system lends new complexity to LIA’s already complex work, drawing attention to the spectrum of shades between black and white by creating intriguing areas of depth and intensity and, simultaneously, emptiness.