Brooklyn Bridge Supersat

Digital photography has three magical moments. The first one is when the photo is taken and the artist can appreciate the image on the camera display. The second one is after post-processing when the shades and colors come to life and are enhanced to portray the uniqueness of that single shot. The third one is acknowledgement and appreciation from others who, through unimaginable ways, make a connection with it.

Enjoy this dreamlike blend of colors on this supersaturated Brooklyn Bridge image.

Brooklyn Bridge Supersat is part of an ongoing collection of images and audiovisual material named “New York New York”. The artist visits New York City frequently and believes that “… in New York there is opportunity for a great shot anywhere you look”. This is New York through his lens. The images in this collection have never been published elsewhere and are exclusive to

Exposure time: 101 seconds
F-stop: f/16
ISO Speed: ISO-64
Focal Length: 28mm

August, 2015. New York City. J Ramirez


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