Self Portrait

Possibly the most animated sequence of all of Imran Qureshi's Lahore Diaries (also available as a still image), Self Portrait offers an immediacy and a sense of the artist unlike the rest of the collection. In a nod to self-portraiture, Qureshi - visible as a silhouette - walks over a dirt path of rich red flowers that appear to have fallen to earth from over ripened trees. Accompanied by the crisp sound of Qureshi's footsteps, these damaged and dishevelled flowers that litter the ground appear in stark contract to the unruly grass and sand underneath. A brief snapshot in time - at under ten seconds Self Portrait is the shortest of the Lahore diaries - this piece is no less visually powerful, and underscores Qureshi's enduring appetite for positively unearthing beauty from the world around him.


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