Forays: Scan I-IV

Forays is a series of works that includes both Forays: Object I-IV and Forays: Scan I-IV collections. The works represent landscapes, architecture and objects of the future as seen by the artist, and foreshadow the change in the perception of reality by future generations through the influence of contemporary technology. Forays: Object I-IV and Forays:Scan I-IV are part of a larger series that has been exhibited at Parsons Gallery Paris in 2013/14.

Forays: Scan I-IV is a series of four digital animations, each a computer-generated, speculative and sensual vision. Forms, materials, colours, mobility and sounds of each scene are explorations that illustrate how new technologies can fuse abstract and figurative forms, sensual perception and synaesthetic experiences. In this series of animated works, the Forays objects come to life through minimal movement and associative soundtracks. The resistance of the materials, their consistency, and tactile qualities become visible. They suggest a sensory nature and functionality for the objects that we are yet unable to ascribe.

Original soundtracks designed by Jochen Mader, Audionerve.
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