Dores Sacquegna

Lecce, Italy

Mondi Fluttuanti

Mondi fluttuanti (floating worlds) represents the landscape of the future in a spatial suspension, where the author's body, in a fetal position, takes us back to the birth of the world, to the creative and divine mind of every human being. The remnants of the post-future are revealed as industrial archeology and wrecks of our time.
This photograph from the "Industrial archeology" series was made in 2015 for the Sphinx Thebes Festival event in Greece, where it is permanently collected in the Conference Center of the city.
The aluminum edition consists of n. 5 works of 100 x 70 cm. In addition, it was exhibited at the "Timeless Fragments Festival" at the Palazzo Granafei-Nervegna in Brindisi, Italy in 2017.


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