The Abyss

Here is The abyss of life, where vibrant strokes mirror our journey through inevitable adversities. The artist unfolds a narrative of persistent trials, each attempt hindered by an unseen negative force that restrains our full potential. Yet, in the last hour, at the critical point, we stumble upon an unexpected exit, realizing that the force of creation has been orchestrating every challenge to find a way out of the chaos.

The artwork becomes a testament to our relentless pursuit and the revelation that, at our limits, the door to transcendence opens. In this climactic moment, a profound understanding dawns—we acknowledge that all the good in life is a gift from our creator.

Humanity, in its pursuit, must accept that connecting with this force requires seeing the world in a holistic way from another dimension, recognizing that within reality, the force coexists, and our ultimate destination is back to singularity—a profound union with the divine out of this realm back to that higher dimension with our creator where the duality doesn't coexist, where all is back to unity again.


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