'Turmoil Evolved' is a 3 minute animated video. Wright first conceived the idea of creating a sphere of hundreds of fighting figures in 2015 and a piece entitled simply 'Turmoil' was the result. In 2016 she created an almost disco-like 20 minute version of the work that while hugely disturbing was neither a short film or a viable artwork. In 2017 Wright returned to the animation and totally reworked it to produce a video that finally condenses and successfully conveys her concept.
Wright's premise is that from the dawn of time conflict has fuelled evolution on this planet. Mankind has always taken conflict to extremes and has thus, perhaps, evolved more rapidly than other species. The cost of this ability to refine the arts of conflict, particulary now, in a time of huge scientific advances and instant communication, appears to be an increasing turmoil through out the world. Conflict not just on a global scale but also at the very personal level on social media and in the home. Her battling figures fight rather ineffectually but with relentless animosity. 'Turmoil Evolved' is a symbolic representation of these thoughts.
Working with 3D figures which she created and animated in Cinema4D Wright then used CGI techniques to produce an animated breakdown of these figures into single minute polygons that created the beginning and end of the work. The HD rendered result was then edited it Final Cut Pro. The sound track is Wright's remix of 'Torment', by Louis Utterson.