Choreographic Study

Choreographic Study is a digital edition by Charlotte Colbert created exclusively for Sedition. The work is a slowly progressing sequence of overlaid stills. Through the use of long exposures and the arrangement of images in time, Colbert plays with the photographic medium’s unique ability to capture, freeze and render visible the passing of time. The image becomes a glimpse into the fourth dimension; time collapses on itself and is inseparable from the space around it.

Here the figures and bodies are pushed towards abstraction, giving them a painterly quality. Creating her own photographic paper, she applies the emulsion roughly so that the brushstrokes are visible and integrated to the print, each of which is unique as a result. Colbert further emphasises the materiality of image-making in her development process. This careful emphasis creates space to explore the materiality and immateriality of the image, the body and time-based communication.


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