
Ocean, an artwork by Biphonica created with Peter Hall and Philip Clemo, part of the Loved & Lost collection, is a masterful composition that captures the enchanting beauty and profound vulnerability of the ocean. Interwoven with beauty and majesty are poignant undertones that reflect the ocean's fragility in the face of environmental threats. Starting with the calming sense of the waves, the track takes us further out to sea, encountering the sounds of gulls, dolphins, and whales. It then transitions to the darker side with the sound of dolphin slaughter recorded in Taiji, Japan. This piece embodies beauty, pain, love, loss, and grief, capturing the ocean's dual nature—both graceful and fierce. Peter Hall's personal connection to the ocean, which has provided solace during difficult times, is evident in the emotional depth of the composition.

Ocean sounds were recorded in Baha, California, and Melbourne-Florida, with dolphin sounds also captured in Baha California. The crackling and snapping of coral reefs were recorded in the Cayman Islands. Amidst the waters of Taiji, Japan, where echoes of dolphin sorrow mingle with the snap of shrimp, each sound tells a story of life's depths and delicate balance. This track is a testament to the ocean's healing power and the urgent need to protect it.


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