
Arctic, an artwork by Biphonica created with Peter Hall and Philip Clemo, part of the Loved & Lost collection, is an awe-inspiring canvas of natural beauty, characterized by its pristine landscapes and unique ecosystems. From vast expanses of ice that stretch to the horizon, reflecting the shimmering light of the midnight sun, to towering glaciers that sculpt the rugged coastline with their majestic presence. The Arctic Circle hosts diverse wildlife, from majestic polar bears and graceful narwhals to resilient Arctic foxes and migratory birds. Amidst the tranquility of this remote wilderness, the Arctic stands as a testament to the Earth's unparalleled ability to inspire wonder and reverence.

There is also a melancholy of a changing landscape, where once-frozen realms now echo with the quiet lament of melting glaciers and shifting sea ice. From wildlife navigating diminishing habitats to the subtle whispers of permafrost yielding to warmer temperatures, the track is a musical journey through the fragile balance of nature, urging reflection on the interconnectedness of our actions and the urgent need for global environmental stewardship. Featuring nature sounds recorded in Alaska: Arctic ice melt, snowstorms, thunderstorms, snow goose, wolf pack, and raven. This track evokes both the beauty and the vulnerability of the Arctic, calling for immediate action to protect this unique and precious environment.


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