Alex May

Brighton, England

Trains of Thought #1

"Trains of Thought #1" explores human perception and memory through visual and experiential elements, inviting viewers to delve into the dance between focused attention and fleeting moments. Using the camera's limited field of view as a metaphor for sensory focus, the slow motion video elements highlight the richness of actively engaged observation. This deceleration allows for an influx of details, mirroring how we notice and record more when we truly focus. The artwork layers remembered experiences and imaginative musings, guiding the observer from one thought to the next.

Adopting an observer's vantage point, the piece portrays a sense of detachment and transient presence. The viewer becomes a passive admirer, drifting through and appreciating the subtleties unfolding before them. This transient nature underscores contemplative engagement, savouring harmony, contrast, and discordance in the mundane.

This audio-visual work evokes a spectrum of emotions, blending joy and melancholy. It captures the duality of human experience—the happiness from observing beauty in the ordinary, juxtaposed with the sadness of transient moments.

The visual narrative immerses viewers in a journey through memory and observation. Each frame celebrates life's small details, encouraging active engagement with the present.


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